Amit Harlev
PhD Student
Center for Applied Math, Cornell University
[email protected]

About Me
I am a third year PhD student at Cornell University's Center for Applied Mathematics where I am fortunate to be advised by Ziv Scully. I received my undergraduate degree in Mathematics from Harvey Mudd College in 2022. My research interests include queueing theory and stochastic optimization and my current projects include tail-optimal scheduling with unknown job sizes and approximation algorithms for multi-fidelity stochastic search problems. In 2024, I was awarded the NDSEG (accepted) and NSF GRFP (declined) graduate fellowships. Previously, I have been a full time software engineer at Meta (2021).
Short Papers
A Gittins Policy for Optimizing Tail Latency
Amit Harlev, George Yu, Ziv Scully.
Performance Evaluation Review, 2024 (MAMA 2024 issue).
[paper] [slides]Teaching
- Fall 2023: Teaching Assistant, Calculus for Engineers, Cornell University.
- Spring 2023: Teaching Assistant, Linear Algebra for Engineers, Cornell University.
- Fall 2022: Teaching Assistant, Linear Algebra for Engineers, Cornell University.